THE MENS RETAIL GEM : ATELIER NEW YORK kamagazine·September 10, 2013We’d be hard-pressed to find another city as design conscious and cool as Manhattan. Streets are lined with the...DESIGNFASHIONNEW YORK·0 Comments·0
SHAPE SHIFTERS : NEW MUSEUM – NEW YORK kamagazine·September 6, 2013The New Museum of Contemporary Art, designed by Tokyo-based architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa/SANAA, is a seven-story,...ARCHITECTUREDESIGNNEW YORK·0 Comments·0
THE QUEEN : ANAI EKALINO kamagazine·August 9, 2013Anai Ekalino is not only a surprise KA Magazine cover girl, but one of the few times that...CREATIVESFASHIONMIAMI·0 Comments·0
RENÉ DESJARDINS : A TRUE CREATIVE kamagazine·August 5, 2013What is it about creatives (the real ones), that as they get to the top of their game,...CREATIVESDESIGNMONTREAL·0 Comments·0
FASHIONABLY MOSCHINO kamagazine·July 10, 2013MAISON MOSCHINO – MILAN This being The Design Issue, we wanted to bring the best in Fashion, Art...ARCHITECTURECULTUREDESIGNFASHIONMILANTRAVEL·0 Comments·0
NATASHA KERTES – A JOURNEY TO ART kamagazine·July 8, 2013With blazing red hair and piercing greenish, blueish, greyish (what ever the colour of the ocean is that...CREATIVESCULTUREFASHIONMIAMI·0 Comments·0
AQUARIUS : THE LIVE SHOW kamagazine·July 2, 2013KA Magazine loves Miami – especially more so now that we have collaborated with Artist and Photographer Natasha...CREATIVESCULTUREMIAMI·0 Comments·0
ART : DANIEL STANFORD kamagazine·March 18, 2013A WOMAN’s WORTH BY DANIEL STANFORD We discovered Daniel like all good things: by chance (and a hot...CREATIVESCULTUREMONTREAL·0 Comments·0
Fascinasia : Daniel Stanford Art kamagazine·April 4, 2012KA Magazine art feature with Daniel Stanford comes to life at his vernissage event on April 14th! So...ARCHIVES·0 Comments·0
KA Loves : Daniel Stanford Art kamagazine·March 5, 2012We discovered Daniel Stanford like all good things: by chance (and a hot cup of coffee on a...ARCHIVES·0 Comments·0
Montreal Design Sage — Jaime Bouzaglo kamagazine·January 6, 2009Jaime Bouzaglo has chosen Montreal as his home, while creating luxurious, modern homes, furniture and “objets d’arts” around the...Uncategorized·0 Comments·0