THE RISE OF LUXURY AFRICA kamagazine·November 3, 2020It is proven that the oldest artefacts of luxury fashion & accessories come from the continent of Africa....CREATIVESCULTUREFASHIONNEWS & BLOG·0 Comments·1
KEVIN ALLWOOD + HAITI COLLECTION kamagazine·January 13, 2018A year ago, two powerhouses of ethical fashion were introduced and the union is now bearing fruit to...CREATIVESCULTUREFASHIONNEWS & BLOGTORONTO·0 Comments·0
ETHICAL FASHION INITIATIVE : The Constellation Africa show in Italy kamagazine·June 20, 2015As part of the Fondazione Pitti Discovery’s Guest Nation Project, the Ethical Fashion Initiative has brought four talented menswear designers...CREATIVESNEWS & BLOGUncategorized·0 Comments·0
KA FAVE : STELLA JEAN IN TORONTO kamagazine·October 23, 2014Last week, Holt Renfrew Toronto hosted one of our very favourite up-and-coming designers, Stella Jean. The meet and...CREATIVESFASHIONNEWS & BLOGTORONTO·0 Comments·0